Friday, February 3, 2012

Valentines Day Mouse

Super cute Valentine that my kids are giving away to their friends My daughter found this idea in one of our craft books. Accept it shows you need to cut everything out by hand. Not so with our Cricut Expression Machines. I loved the fact that making so many is a breeze. Using the auto fill button makes it all go quite fast. Enjoy this great project. More to come.


Cricut Cartridge Simply Charmed

Solid Cardstock

Black Marker


Glue Tape


Cut 3 1/4 in Hearts Layer (Larger heart) Hearts 1 3/4 for mouse face and pull tab
Small circles are cut out of Tie, Layer 3.

For the body just use the larger heart and fold length wise. The mouse head is made by cutting the bottom tip of the heart to about half way up the middle. Overlap the ends till it has an oval shape and nose is pointy. I used my ATG tape runner to adhere together. Add details to face then adhere to body. Make sure you used one staple at the top of the big heart so the lollipop stays inside it. For the pull heart on the stick, use your tape runner on the back of the heart, then adhere to stick. Super fun and easy.


February Already???

January completly flew be a little too quickly. Posting a wonderful and super cute Valentines Day project today. Just have to download the photos. Hoping everyone is doing well and creating super fun projects of your own. See ya all later today.
